Over the past 20 years, RPI has carried out hundreds of studies on all major segments of the oil and gas industry of Russia, CIS and Eastern Europe.
RPI specialists are permanently in close connect with the industry and monitor its developments closely to provide best-in-class analytics and information support for industry players.
RPI specialists are permanently in close connect with the industry and monitor its developments closely to provide best-in-class analytics and information support for industry players.

Russian Market for High-Performance Hydraulic Fluids: Graders is unique in a series of research studies covering the lubricants market in Russia.
The report focuses on the grader segment, the fleet of which numbers 8,000-10,000 units. This allows the segment to command special positions from the standpoint of lubricant consumption given the current scope of hydraulic systems.
Russian Market for High-Performance Hydraulic Fluids: Graders is an in-depth analysis of the most efficient types of hydraulic fluids for graders used as mobile construction equipment developed according to international standards and characterized by high performance.
The research study examines hydraulic fluids market capacity with segmentation by viscosity and performance. An analysis of the state of the grader market is provided, along with the overall situation in the road construction vehicle segment.
Russian Market for High-Performance Hydraulic Fluids: Graders contains:
The report focuses on the grader segment, the fleet of which numbers 8,000-10,000 units. This allows the segment to command special positions from the standpoint of lubricant consumption given the current scope of hydraulic systems.
Russian Market for High-Performance Hydraulic Fluids: Graders is an in-depth analysis of the most efficient types of hydraulic fluids for graders used as mobile construction equipment developed according to international standards and characterized by high performance.
The research study examines hydraulic fluids market capacity with segmentation by viscosity and performance. An analysis of the state of the grader market is provided, along with the overall situation in the road construction vehicle segment.
Russian Market for High-Performance Hydraulic Fluids: Graders contains:
- Specifications for lubricants of all leading manufacturers of hydraulic systems and mobile equipment
- Requirements of international and national standards for the above-mentioned lubricants
- Comparison of requirements by key parameters
- Comparison of lubes by the most requested viscosity and operating classes
- Data on the existing fleet of graders and its place in the structure of advanced highway engineering
- Information on hydraulic lubricants which are used for road construction equipment and are approved by OEM producers
- Russian Market for High-Performance Hydraulic Fluids: Graders also analyzes the competitive environment on the market with a special focus on niches of high commercial potential.
- lubricantsproducers
- lubricantsdealersanddistributors
- mobileconstructionOEMs
1. Project Overview
1.1 Research Topic
1.2 Research Segmentation
1.3 Research Goal
1.4 Research Timeframe
1.5 Research Method
2. Road Construction Vehicle Fleet
2.1. Grader Segment
2.1.1. Grader Import Dynamics
2.1.2. Domestic Grader Production Dynamics
2.1.3. Grader Market Size Dynamics
2.1.4. Grader Fleet Size
2.2. Overall Road Construction Vehicle Fleet Size
3. Mobile Construction Vehicle Manufacturer Analysis
3.1. Grader Segment
3.1.1. Grader Fleet by Manufacturer
3.1.2. Grader Fleet Segmented by Manufacturer and Hydraulic System Volume
3.1.3. Grader Fleet Segmented by Manufacturer and Hydraulic Fluid Type
4. Market Capacity
4.1. Total Market Capacity of Lubricants for Hydraulic Vehicles
4.2. Lubricant Segment Capacity Segmented by Lubricant Type
4.3. Lubricant Segment Capacity, Breakdown by Product Type and Construction Vehicle Manufacturer
4.4. The Market Capacity of High Performance Hydraulic Oils in Monetary Terms
4.5. Segment “Land Graders and Levelers”
4.5.1. Oil Market Capacity for Land Graders and Levelers
4.5.2. Oil Market Capacity for Land Graders and Levelers with Respect to Oils Range Segmentation
5. Competitive Analysis
5.1. CJSC JSOPC Bashneft
5.1.1. Contact Information
5.1.2. Production GeoFigurey
5.1.3. Description of Oil Product Mix for Hydraulic Equipment
5.1.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.2. LLC Gazpromneft – lubricants
5.2.1. Contact Information
5.2.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.2.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.2.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.3. LLC LLK-International
5.3.1. Contact Details
5.3.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.3.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.3.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.4. OJSC NK Rosneft
5.4.1. Contact Information
5.4.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.4.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.4.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.5. OJSC NK Russneft
5.5.1. Contact Information
5.5.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.5.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.5.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.6. LLC TNK lubricants
5.6.1. Contact Information
5.6.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.6.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.6.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.7.1. Contact Information
5.7.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.7.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.7.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.8. Castrol
5.8.1. Contact Information
5.8.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.8.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.8.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.9. Chevron global lubricants
5.9.1. Contact Information
5.9.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.9.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.9.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.10. Exxonmobil
5.10.1. Contact Information
5.10.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.10.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.10.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.11. Shell
5.11.1. Contact Information
5.11.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.11.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.11.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.12. Total
5.12.1. Contacts
5.12.2. Manufacturing reach
5.12.3. Line-up of hydraulic fluids
5.12.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
6. Benchmarking Study of Market Segments
6.1. Most promising vehicles from HPHF market capacity perspectives
6.2. Most promising manufacturers from HPHF market capacity analysis
6.3. Market capacity by segments with key manufacturers and their products
6.4. Correspondence of products from lubricants manufacturers with most receptive market segments
7. Market Trends and Outlook
7.1. Factors influencing the absorption capacity of HPHF market
7.2. Prospects for the development / dynamics of changes in the HPHF market capacity
1.1 Research Topic
1.2 Research Segmentation
1.3 Research Goal
1.4 Research Timeframe
1.5 Research Method
2. Road Construction Vehicle Fleet
2.1. Grader Segment
2.1.1. Grader Import Dynamics
2.1.2. Domestic Grader Production Dynamics
2.1.3. Grader Market Size Dynamics
2.1.4. Grader Fleet Size
2.2. Overall Road Construction Vehicle Fleet Size
3. Mobile Construction Vehicle Manufacturer Analysis
3.1. Grader Segment
3.1.1. Grader Fleet by Manufacturer
3.1.2. Grader Fleet Segmented by Manufacturer and Hydraulic System Volume
3.1.3. Grader Fleet Segmented by Manufacturer and Hydraulic Fluid Type
4. Market Capacity
4.1. Total Market Capacity of Lubricants for Hydraulic Vehicles
4.2. Lubricant Segment Capacity Segmented by Lubricant Type
4.3. Lubricant Segment Capacity, Breakdown by Product Type and Construction Vehicle Manufacturer
4.4. The Market Capacity of High Performance Hydraulic Oils in Monetary Terms
4.5. Segment “Land Graders and Levelers”
4.5.1. Oil Market Capacity for Land Graders and Levelers
4.5.2. Oil Market Capacity for Land Graders and Levelers with Respect to Oils Range Segmentation
5. Competitive Analysis
5.1. CJSC JSOPC Bashneft
5.1.1. Contact Information
5.1.2. Production GeoFigurey
5.1.3. Description of Oil Product Mix for Hydraulic Equipment
5.1.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.2. LLC Gazpromneft – lubricants
5.2.1. Contact Information
5.2.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.2.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.2.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.3. LLC LLK-International
5.3.1. Contact Details
5.3.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.3.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.3.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.4. OJSC NK Rosneft
5.4.1. Contact Information
5.4.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.4.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.4.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.5. OJSC NK Russneft
5.5.1. Contact Information
5.5.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.5.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.5.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.6. LLC TNK lubricants
5.6.1. Contact Information
5.6.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.6.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.6.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.7.1. Contact Information
5.7.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.7.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.7.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.8. Castrol
5.8.1. Contact Information
5.8.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.8.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.8.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.9. Chevron global lubricants
5.9.1. Contact Information
5.9.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.9.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.9.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.10. Exxonmobil
5.10.1. Contact Information
5.10.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.10.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.10.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.11. Shell
5.11.1. Contact Information
5.11.2. Manufacturing geoFigurey
5.11.3. Description of assortment range of lubricants for hydraulic vehicles
5.11.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
5.12. Total
5.12.1. Contacts
5.12.2. Manufacturing reach
5.12.3. Line-up of hydraulic fluids
5.12.4. Correlation between the line-up and segments under study
6. Benchmarking Study of Market Segments
6.1. Most promising vehicles from HPHF market capacity perspectives
6.2. Most promising manufacturers from HPHF market capacity analysis
6.3. Market capacity by segments with key manufacturers and their products
6.4. Correspondence of products from lubricants manufacturers with most receptive market segments
7. Market Trends and Outlook
7.1. Factors influencing the absorption capacity of HPHF market
7.2. Prospects for the development / dynamics of changes in the HPHF market capacity
Figure 2.1. Grader imports to Russia in 2001-2009, pcs.
Figure 2.2. Russia's domestic grader production in 1995-2009, pcs.
Figure 2.3. Russian grader market size in 2001-2009, pcs.
Figure 2.4. Russian grader market size in 2001-2009, breakdown by vehicle origin, pcs.
Figure 2.5. Russian grader market size in 2001-2009, breakdown by vehicle origin, percent
Figure 2.6. Russia's grader fleet size in 2009, pcs.
Figure 2.7. Russia's road construction vehicle fleet size in 2009, pcs.
Figure 2.8. Russia's road construction vehicle fleet size in 2009, breakdown by equipment type, pcs.
Figure 3.1. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, pcs.
Figure 3.2. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by hydraulic system volume, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.3. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume under 75 liters, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.4. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 75 to 100 liters, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.5. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 100 to 115 liters, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.6. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 115 to 130 liters, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.7. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 130 to 160 liters, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.8. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume over 160 liters, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.9. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, segmented by fluid type, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.10. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for 15HM fluid segment, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.11. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for 32 HM fluid segment, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.12. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for 46HM fluid segment, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.13. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in 46HV fluid segment, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.14. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in 68HV fluid segment, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.15. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for the segment using engine oils in hydraulic systems, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.16. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in the segment using OEM specialty lubricants in hydraulic systems, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.17. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in the segment using GOST fluids, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.18. Russia's HPHF-applicable grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by equipment manufacturer, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.19. Russia's HPHF-applicable grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by hydraulic system volume, percent of pcs.
Figure 4.1. Capacity of the Russian market* of HPHF for construction vehicles in 2009, percent of liters
Figure 4.2. Capacity of the Russian market* of HPHF for construction vehicles in 2009, segmented by fluid type, percent of liters
Figure 4.3. Capacity of the Russian market of HPHF for construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.4. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 15 HM lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.5. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 15 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.6. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance lubricants 22 HM for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.7. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 32 ÍÌ lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.8. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 32 ÍV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.9. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 46 HM lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.10. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 46 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.11. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 68 HM lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.12. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 68 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.13. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 100 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.14. Capacity of the Russian market* of engine oils for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.15. Capacity of the Russian market of engine oils for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by lubricant manufacturer and segment, percent of liters
Figure 4.16. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance OEM fluids for construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.17. Average cost of high performance hydraulic oils, RF, RUR per liter, 2010
Figure 4.18. Market capacity of high performance hydraulic oils, RF, RUR, 2010
Figure 4.19. Market capacity* of high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.20. Oil market capacity for land graders and levelers with respect to oils range segmentation, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.21. Market capacity* of 15 HV high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.22. Market capacity* of 32 HM high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.23. Market capacity* of 46 HM high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.24. Market capacity* of 46 HV high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.25. Market capacity* of 68 HV high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.26. Market capacity* of engine oils for the hydraulic systems of land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.27. Engine oil market capacity for the hydraulic systems of land graders and levelers with respect to equipment and oil segments manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Figure 4.28. Market capacity*of OEM high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 7.1 The dynamics of the HPHF market capacity, liters, by the year’s end, 2009-2012.
Figure 2.2. Russia's domestic grader production in 1995-2009, pcs.
Figure 2.3. Russian grader market size in 2001-2009, pcs.
Figure 2.4. Russian grader market size in 2001-2009, breakdown by vehicle origin, pcs.
Figure 2.5. Russian grader market size in 2001-2009, breakdown by vehicle origin, percent
Figure 2.6. Russia's grader fleet size in 2009, pcs.
Figure 2.7. Russia's road construction vehicle fleet size in 2009, pcs.
Figure 2.8. Russia's road construction vehicle fleet size in 2009, breakdown by equipment type, pcs.
Figure 3.1. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, pcs.
Figure 3.2. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by hydraulic system volume, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.3. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume under 75 liters, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.4. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 75 to 100 liters, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.5. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 100 to 115 liters, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.6. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 115 to 130 liters, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.7. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 130 to 160 liters, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.8. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume over 160 liters, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.9. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, segmented by fluid type, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.10. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for 15HM fluid segment, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.11. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for 32 HM fluid segment, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.12. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for 46HM fluid segment, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.13. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in 46HV fluid segment, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.14. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in 68HV fluid segment, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.15. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for the segment using engine oils in hydraulic systems, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.16. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in the segment using OEM specialty lubricants in hydraulic systems, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.17. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in the segment using GOST fluids, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.18. Russia's HPHF-applicable grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by equipment manufacturer, percent of pcs.
Figure 3.19. Russia's HPHF-applicable grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by hydraulic system volume, percent of pcs.
Figure 4.1. Capacity of the Russian market* of HPHF for construction vehicles in 2009, percent of liters
Figure 4.2. Capacity of the Russian market* of HPHF for construction vehicles in 2009, segmented by fluid type, percent of liters
Figure 4.3. Capacity of the Russian market of HPHF for construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.4. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 15 HM lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.5. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 15 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.6. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance lubricants 22 HM for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.7. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 32 ÍÌ lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.8. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 32 ÍV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.9. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 46 HM lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.10. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 46 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.11. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 68 HM lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.12. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 68 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.13. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 100 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.14. Capacity of the Russian market* of engine oils for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.15. Capacity of the Russian market of engine oils for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by lubricant manufacturer and segment, percent of liters
Figure 4.16. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance OEM fluids for construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, percent of liters
Figure 4.17. Average cost of high performance hydraulic oils, RF, RUR per liter, 2010
Figure 4.18. Market capacity of high performance hydraulic oils, RF, RUR, 2010
Figure 4.19. Market capacity* of high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.20. Oil market capacity for land graders and levelers with respect to oils range segmentation, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.21. Market capacity* of 15 HV high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.22. Market capacity* of 32 HM high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.23. Market capacity* of 46 HM high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.24. Market capacity* of 46 HV high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.25. Market capacity* of 68 HV high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.26. Market capacity* of engine oils for the hydraulic systems of land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 4.27. Engine oil market capacity for the hydraulic systems of land graders and levelers with respect to equipment and oil segments manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Figure 4.28. Market capacity*of OEM high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, % of liters, 2009
Figure 7.1 The dynamics of the HPHF market capacity, liters, by the year’s end, 2009-2012.
Table 2.1. Grader imports to Russia in 2001-2009, pcs.
Table 2.2. Russia's domestic grader production in 1995-2009, pcs.
Table 2.3. Russian grader market size in 2001-2009, pcs.
Table 2.4. Russian grader market size in 2001-2009, breakdown by vehicle origin, pcs.
Table 2.5. Russian grader market size in 2001-2009, breakdown by vehicle origin, percent
Table 2.6. Russia's grader fleet size in 2009, pcs.
Table 2.7. Russia's road construction vehicle fleet size in 2009, pcs.
Table 2.8. Russia's road construction vehicle fleet size in 2009, breakdown by equipment type, pcs.
Table 3.1. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, pcs.
Table 3.2. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by hydraulic system volume, pcs.
Table 3.3. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume under 75 liters, pcs.
Table 3.4. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 75 to 100 liters, pcs.
Table 3.5. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 100 to 115 liters, pcs.
Table 3.6. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 115 to 130 liters, pcs.
Table 3.7. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 130 to 160 liters, pcs.
Table 3.8. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume over 160 liters, pcs.
Table 3.9. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, segmented by fluid type, pcs.
Table 3.10. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for 15HM fluid segment, pcs.
Table 3.11. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for 32HM fluid segment, pcs.
Table 3.12. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for 46HM fluid segment, pcs.
Table 3.13. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in 46HV fluid segment, pcs.
Table 3.14. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in 68HV fluid segment, pcs.
Table 3.15. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in the segment using engine oils in hydraulic systems, pcs.
Table 3.16. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in the segment using OEM specialty lubricants in hydraulic systems, pcs.
Table 3.17. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in the segment using GOST fluids, pcs.
Table 3.18. Russia's HPHF-applicable grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by equipment manufacturer, pcs.
Table 3.19. Russia's HPHF-applicable grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by hydraulic system volume, pcs.
Table 4.1. Capacity of the Russian market* of HPHF for construction vehicles in 2009, liters
Table 4.2. Capacity of the Russian market* of HPHF for construction vehicles in 2009, segmented by fluid type, liters
Table 4.3. Capacity of the Russian market of HPHF for construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.4. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 15 HM lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.5. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 15 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.6. Capacity of the Russian market * of high-performance lubricants 22 HM for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.7. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 32 ÍÌ lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.8. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 32 ÍV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.9. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 46 HM lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.10. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 46 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.11. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 68 HM lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.12. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 68 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.13. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 100 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.14. Capacity of the Russian market* of engine oils for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.15. Capacity of the Russian market of engine oils for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by lubricant manufacturer and segment, liters
Table 4.16. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance OEM lubricants for construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.17. Average cost of high performance hydraulic oils, RF, RUR per liter, 2010
Table 4.18. Market capacity of high performance hydraulic oils, RF, RUR, 2010
Table 4.19. Market capacity* of high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.20. Oil market capacity for land graders and levelers with respect to oils range segmentation, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.21. Market capacity* of 15 HV high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.22. Market capacity* of 32 HM high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.23. Market capacity* of 46 HM high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.24. Market capacity* of 46 HV high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.25. Market capacity*of 68 HV high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.26. Market capacity*of engine oils for the hydraulic systems of land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.27. Engine oil market capacity for the hydraulic systems of land graders and levelers with respect to equipment and oil segments manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.28. Market capacity* of OEM high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 6.1. Comparative Product Mixes of Different Companies, 2010
Table 6.2. Demand and Supply Matching on HPHF Market, 2010
Table 7.1. Targets of FTP Modernization of Russian Transport System (2002-2010), “Road Facilities” Subprogram
Table 7.2. Activities within FTP Modernization of Russian Transport System (2002-2010), “Road Facilities” Subprogram, by Years
Table 7.3. Activities within FTP Modernization of Russian Transport System (2002-2010), Road Facilities Subprogram, by Years, Updated in 2009
Table 7.4. Extension of Paved Motor Roads, km, 2000-2008
Table 7.5. The Volume of Construction Works in Actual Prices of 2007-2008, million rubles
Table 7.6. Commissioning of Residential and Non-residential Buildings, sq m, 2007-2008
Table 7.7. Investments in Oil Field Surface Facilities, billion rubles, 2010-2015
Table 2.2. Russia's domestic grader production in 1995-2009, pcs.
Table 2.3. Russian grader market size in 2001-2009, pcs.
Table 2.4. Russian grader market size in 2001-2009, breakdown by vehicle origin, pcs.
Table 2.5. Russian grader market size in 2001-2009, breakdown by vehicle origin, percent
Table 2.6. Russia's grader fleet size in 2009, pcs.
Table 2.7. Russia's road construction vehicle fleet size in 2009, pcs.
Table 2.8. Russia's road construction vehicle fleet size in 2009, breakdown by equipment type, pcs.
Table 3.1. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, pcs.
Table 3.2. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by hydraulic system volume, pcs.
Table 3.3. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume under 75 liters, pcs.
Table 3.4. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 75 to 100 liters, pcs.
Table 3.5. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 100 to 115 liters, pcs.
Table 3.6. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 115 to 130 liters, pcs.
Table 3.7. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume 130 to 160 liters, pcs.
Table 3.8. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, hydraulic system volume over 160 liters, pcs.
Table 3.9. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, segmented by fluid type, pcs.
Table 3.10. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for 15HM fluid segment, pcs.
Table 3.11. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for 32HM fluid segment, pcs.
Table 3.12. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer for 46HM fluid segment, pcs.
Table 3.13. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in 46HV fluid segment, pcs.
Table 3.14. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in 68HV fluid segment, pcs.
Table 3.15. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in the segment using engine oils in hydraulic systems, pcs.
Table 3.16. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in the segment using OEM specialty lubricants in hydraulic systems, pcs.
Table 3.17. Russia's grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer in the segment using GOST fluids, pcs.
Table 3.18. Russia's HPHF-applicable grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by equipment manufacturer, pcs.
Table 3.19. Russia's HPHF-applicable grader fleet in 2009, breakdown by hydraulic system volume, pcs.
Table 4.1. Capacity of the Russian market* of HPHF for construction vehicles in 2009, liters
Table 4.2. Capacity of the Russian market* of HPHF for construction vehicles in 2009, segmented by fluid type, liters
Table 4.3. Capacity of the Russian market of HPHF for construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.4. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 15 HM lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.5. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 15 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.6. Capacity of the Russian market * of high-performance lubricants 22 HM for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.7. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 32 ÍÌ lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.8. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 32 ÍV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.9. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 46 HM lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.10. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 46 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.11. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 68 HM lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.12. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 68 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.13. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance 100 HV lubricants for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.14. Capacity of the Russian market* of engine oils for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.15. Capacity of the Russian market of engine oils for hydraulic systems of construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by lubricant manufacturer and segment, liters
Table 4.16. Capacity of the Russian market* of high-performance OEM lubricants for construction vehicles in 2009, breakdown by manufacturer, liters
Table 4.17. Average cost of high performance hydraulic oils, RF, RUR per liter, 2010
Table 4.18. Market capacity of high performance hydraulic oils, RF, RUR, 2010
Table 4.19. Market capacity* of high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.20. Oil market capacity for land graders and levelers with respect to oils range segmentation, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.21. Market capacity* of 15 HV high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.22. Market capacity* of 32 HM high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.23. Market capacity* of 46 HM high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.24. Market capacity* of 46 HV high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.25. Market capacity*of 68 HV high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.26. Market capacity*of engine oils for the hydraulic systems of land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.27. Engine oil market capacity for the hydraulic systems of land graders and levelers with respect to equipment and oil segments manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 4.28. Market capacity* of OEM high performance oils for land graders and levelers with respect to equipment manufacturers, RF, liters, 2009
Table 6.1. Comparative Product Mixes of Different Companies, 2010
Table 6.2. Demand and Supply Matching on HPHF Market, 2010
Table 7.1. Targets of FTP Modernization of Russian Transport System (2002-2010), “Road Facilities” Subprogram
Table 7.2. Activities within FTP Modernization of Russian Transport System (2002-2010), “Road Facilities” Subprogram, by Years
Table 7.3. Activities within FTP Modernization of Russian Transport System (2002-2010), Road Facilities Subprogram, by Years, Updated in 2009
Table 7.4. Extension of Paved Motor Roads, km, 2000-2008
Table 7.5. The Volume of Construction Works in Actual Prices of 2007-2008, million rubles
Table 7.6. Commissioning of Residential and Non-residential Buildings, sq m, 2007-2008
Table 7.7. Investments in Oil Field Surface Facilities, billion rubles, 2010-2015
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